Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 10, 2015

Ha Long Bay Vietnam : You get what you pay for (for way less)

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The highlight for many peoples trip to Vietnam is visiting the world renowned Ha Long Bay. Unless you booked a fully planned trip to Vietnam, you’ll be arriving in vietnam hanoi desperately trying to find the perfect tour. Now there are hundreds of tour operators in every nook of Hanoi offering these tours. But with literally hundreds of boats to choose from, and little to no information about them online, the best advice I can give is that you get what you pay for!!

Let me try to break it down for you so you can have the best trip possible. Helpful things to know before you go:
The Boats are called “Junks” and that goes for even the ones labeled “5 stars.” So don’t be thrown off by the name!
You will be offered a one or two night trip. Never take the one night! We had horrible weather the first day and everyone missing out on all the beautiful scenery.
Do not take two nights on the boat! You will have an option to take the second night at a hotel on Cat Ba Island. This is much better because if you stay on the boat they just pick up more people and repeat the first days activities.
All the photos that you are shown of the boat will probably be ten years old, or even fake. So don’t be surprised when your not arriving at your freshly painted luxury charter.


3 Day 2 Night Tour Cost:

80-100$ Super Budget Backpacker Boat:

In no way will I recommend this boat. In fact, I wouldn’t even suggest this to my worst enemy! I did meet one guy that said “I took the cheapest option so I can’t complain about how gross it is.” Unless you like rats, the smell of urine, dirty rooms, food poisoning, guides that speak no English, and not given any of the outings that you were promised (all firsthand accounts), then stay away from this boat!

150-180$ Middle Class Living:

Your food will not be very good, but edible. You will have a guide that will try a little too hard to be funny. You can enjoy kayaking, hiking, exploring caves, and even relax on a LARGE upper deck to take in your beautiful surroundings. This boat is not fancy by any stretch, but you’ll have an enjoyable trip if you’re still trying to stick to a budget. This was our boat and we loved it!

250-Unlimited $$ PLUSH:

If you have money to blow then you can really have an experience of a life time. You can chose a luxury four star boat with fine dining and all the amenities you’d expect….or you can be super fancy and charter your own boat.

So now you have your boat picked out and your ready to head off to the majestic Ha long Bay! Here are some of our highlights you should expect from your visit:

The Scenery:
This is the reason everyone goes to ha long Bay anyway right? It doesn’t matter if you’re greeted with clear blue skies or misty fog, the magical scenery of Ha Long Bay will captivate you. There’s nothing better than grabbing a seat on the roof deck of your junk boat, and watching the lime rock formations pass you by!

This was by far the highlight of our trip! It’s one thing to be on a boat, but a totally different experience when your on a little kayak paddling yourself through nature. Kayaking is the way to truly appreciate the massive natural rock formations all around you.

Buying treats from the Boat Women:
At first I thought this was just a myth told by travelers. Women who sneak up to your boat and tap on your window in the cover of darkness only to sell you beers and snacks at a very low price. But oh was I wrong! These women are real, and happily cruising around Ha Long Bay in their row boats, stocked full with every treat you can desire. Just don’t get caught buying from them or you’ll have to pay a fine to your boat captain!

Secret Caves:
These caves are a mandatory stop on every junk boat tour. Even though it may look like a tourist trap, you wont regret a thing after you spend some time exploring these amazing works of nature. The colors, formations, and sheer size of the caves are incredible, and definitely worth seeing! Our tour guide made it a priority to point out different markings on the cave and have the group ask what animal it looked like!

Cat Bay Island Hike:
To be clear this hike was never advertised in our trips detailed itinerary. And honestly, a lot of things that were listed we never actually did! But this was one of the many times in Vietnam that we just had to go with the flow. We were pleasantly surprised by this hike, as it ended up being one of our favorite in Asia! However, be warned that the difficulty of the hike was definitely lost in translation. Looking back on it, the guide describing it as a ‘stroll’ is funny as it was a 2 hour intensive vertical climb. Like always though, the views from the top were 100% worth it!

Overall our trip to Ha long Bay was a great success. We met a bunch of amazing people that we still keep in touch with, and it gave us an opportunity to see something beautiful in an incredibly unique way. Spending a couple days on a boat, surrounded by some of the most amazing nature the world has to offer is definitely a must do! Just pick your boat wisely, and remember you get what you pay for! Don’t be afraid to shell out some extra cash!
SaPa travel guide with the best attractions, reviews, photos, map, hotels and budget tips and things to do in Sapa Vietnam.

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